Our Services

Finding the right coach can be challenging, but it is possible. With over twenty-two years in the field of psychology, mental health and recovery, our team is dedicated to ensuring your recovery coaching experience is tailored to meet all your needs.



Overview of our Services

Hourly Sessions

Individual and family coaching sessions are held weekly: in person at one of our local offices, in your community, or place of residence. We also offer Zoom sessions for on-the-go or international clients.

Alchemical Hypnotherapy

Alchemical Hypnosis helps clients locate and strengthen their inner healing resources located in the subconscious mind and teaches clients to work with these powerful resources daily.

Alchemical Hypnotherapy is based on the practices of the ancient Alchemists  (converting the "lead" of our unconscious into the "gold" of wisdom and fulfillment), and uses hypnosis to access powerful internal resources and guides within the subconscious mind to affect lasting change.  Through Alchemical Hypnotherapy we are not dependent on the therapist but rather empowered to access our own latent healing and transformative power within.  


Reiki is a holistic healing modality used for generations to release negative blocks in energy from the body and allow you to move forward emotionally and mentally from a natural relaxed state. This service is an add-on that compliments our coaching modality by allowing your subconscious mind to place attention on emotions that have been stored in the body.

Clinical Case Management

Clinical Case Management (CCM) services are designed to support family members of the individual engaged in coaching or individual in residential treatment. CCM sessions involve loved ones in the clients healing process by including the family in goal setting, individual client changes and encouraging ways to support the client.

Behavioural Assessment

Behavioural Assessments are generally performed in home or a location of need for the identified client. These assessments are intensive sessions of observation, coaching and learning designed to devises a plan that will further support the family and identified client through healthy changes, recovery and growth.

My Travel Coach

My Travel Coach is a uniquely designed service supporting our busy clients who need immediate coaching AND require in person support to successfully maneuver through blockades. 

  • Depression and Major Family Function

  • Sobriety and Social Events

  • Performance Anxiety and Mandatory Business Conference

This service is specifically crafted to your needs, while offering in-the-moment personalized support, training and coaching for you to move through your inhibitions to a happier healthier you.


Family Dynamics Support

Support systems, tools, and coaching for the whole family



Family Crisis Intervention

When life hits, it hits hard. There are no words that can express the magnitude of confusion, chaos and uncertainty that you feel inside. There is no light and you don't know what way to turn to make things better. So you stand frozen, petrified not wanting to make a wrong move, pleading for answers.

Let us support you, give you the strength to put another step forward. Lean on us for strength and wisdom in knowing you are making changes for the betterment of you and your family.


Addiction Education

Addiction is a nasty, manipulative disease that fills our lives with dissent and destruction. There is no cure for the disease of addiction but we can arm ourselves, our families and our loved ones against it.

We are experts in the field of addiction. We want to teach you how to successfully combat the disease of addiction and lovingly support your identified addict through sobriety. We offer an intensive two and a half day training in the privacy of your home for you and your support or via zoom for convenience.


Family Systems

We as parents always want the best for our children. We want them to thrive and flourish into healthy well adjusted adults. As parents, We feel it is our responsibility to ensure our children get the best we have to offer them. We give what we know how to give and all that we can.

What do you do when what you have to give isn't enough and just isn't working?

We encourage change, positive change for the individual equals positive change for the family as a whole. It takes a shift in the entire family system to make adjustments to years of unsuccessful habits. Let us offer you emotional, mental and physical tools and teach you and your family a new way to be, happy.


 Alchemical Hypnotherapy

Alchemical Hypnotherapy is a therapeutic process designed to assist counselors in helping clients work with their Inner Guides to change their own lives. Alchemical Hypnotherapy synthesizes teqniques from many modern schools of Transpersonal Hypnotherapy and Psychology. It includes Gestalt Therapy, Regression Therapy, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Psychosynthesis, and Shamanism, with the ancient science of Alchemy as translated and channeled to the modern world by Dr. Carl Jung.

Alchemy has traditionally been associated with the attempts by medieval chemist to transmute base metals into gold. Later upon a serious study of these writings, it was revealed that the substance of these transformation was not metals but the human soul. Their goal was the transformation of the prima materia of the human emotions and instincts within the subconscious mind into the philosopher’s stone, a substance which when consumed by the Alchemist conferred youthfulness, health, vitality and spiritual wisdom. The first modern Alchemist, Dr. Carl Jung, understood this as a metaphor for an inner journey of transformation. His writings also clearly revealed that the vehicles of this transformative process were the archetypes, the Inner Guides found within the subconscious mind of the Alchemist/Client.

Thus, Alchemy can be defined as a daily spiritual discipline of working with Inner Guides to heal our bodies and transform our lives. These powerful and autonomous beings can guide us effectively to health, happiness, fulfilling relationships, prosperity, and most important, the fulfillment of our spiritual purpose.


Couples & Individuals

Whole-Life Coaching



Relationship Communication Coaching

Relationships are the foundation of a happy healthy life. We strive to create a network of people we love and that love and support us in return, coworkers, family, friends, intimate and romantic relationships.

When relationships in your life seem like more work then necessary, or when the thought of interacting with someone specific or in general venues brings on anxiety, it is time to take make change happen...

Relationship coaching is designed to bring clarity to key areas of improvement in your relationships, communication style, self-presentation, and how you interpret the world around you.

How can you show up stronger and better than you ever have before? Let us show you!


Health & Wellness Coaching

It is human nature to want to look and feel our best, to do our best and be the best version of our selves we can be.

We all want to gaze into our reflections and think "YES! I look and feel amazing. I am going to make today a fantastic day!"

We focus on what your individual goals are to get you moving along your path of personal success. We focus on healthy eating, lifestyle changes, sleep habits, exercise routine and the importance of self care. Don't fret if you don't know what your goals are, we are here to help you discover those too. Give us a call today.


Personal Growth Coaching

People are born to strive for achievement, it is in each and every one of us the day we are born.

Somedays, though, we need a little more love and a lot more motivation to get us to the next stage. We all need someone to guide us, support us and show us how to get to the next chapter of our life until we can do it on our own.

Personal growth coaching is just that, identifying and focusing on areas of your own life that you need the most support and attention to in order to be a Happier Healthier Human.



Young Adult Transitional Coaching



Self-Identity Skill Building

We encourage all our Adolescent clients to dig deep within themselves and find their answers. Self-Identity Skill Building Coaching is designed to support and guid adolescents through discovering who they really are and who they want to be. 

Set to their own pace, we walk our clients through various activities, and discussions designed to inspire and challenge your adolescent to think, discover and define their true authentic self.


Growth Through Independence

Through self-reflection and the right questions, adolescents discover the empowering stance of being individuated from their parents, an important milestone in the development of Happy Healthy Humans.

Positive Self-Image and a clear grasp of the inner-self are key components to self-empowerment & independence. Our program is designed to enrich adolescents through this process.

We encourage growth of positive self-image, resilience, and self-reliance. Our goal is to support your adolescent through self-exploration and confidence-building, to help prepare them for the next stages of life, independence through Integrity, Dignity and Honesty.


Adolescents Depression, Anxiety & Development

As we learn, we grow, and we experience life, the more we are able to decide who we are, what we want, and where we are going.

As your adolescent figures out who they are and gains independence, they will be faced with many challenging decisions, with social groups, peer groups, colleges, drugs, sexuality, and even within the family structure.

Creating a solid sense of self and being able to safely explore the cause and effects of decisions is what our program is designed to do. Adolescents gain a better understanding of the impact decisions have on their lives, how to make healthy decisions and how to determine what decision is best for them as individuals and them as a participant in life.


Sports Identity Differentiation

Accountability, self-esteem, and a sense of importance.

These core values are vital to the healthy development of the adolescents self. However, When our lines are blurred due to self identity being over shadowed by the demand for performance, it is difficult for an adolescent to set boundaries and understand their true value. Anxiety and Depression can set in as well as a feeling of low self worth.

When adolescents feel good on the inside they are able to build on those positive feelings, creating a sense of self worth, importance and knowledge they are more than the labels used to define them.

We understand it can be difficult to figure out who you are as an adolescent when the game ends. You are worth the effort you put into yourself.

You are not just your sport.


Request a Consultation

We would be happy to walk you through our process, and answer any questions you have about treatment, coaching or family systems support.